.by Natalia Equisoain 

Since January we have been speaking with some American students who came from Ohio University to study the Spanish language in the Public University.
They have come to our English class for some days and they have helped us with our spoken English. Every Wednesday they were with us for an hour and the last day we interviewed them. That day I spoke with Ryan and now I’m going to explain what he told me.
He is twenty years old. He studies at the Ohio University, in Columbus. In Pamplona he lives with a woman, her mother, and with another American student. He said that he was very happy with them because they were joking all the time.

Making a comparison between Pamplona and his town he told us that Columbus is bigger than Pamplona, there are less people living in his town, and there are more houses than in Pamplona because here people usually live in flats. He thinks that the biggest difference between the people of the two towns is that here people smoke more than in the USA. There they can’t smoke in some public places such as restaurants. Something he liked most here was speaking Spanish, and this is the thing he will miss back in Ohio. But on the other hand he hates the Spanish grammar and he forcibly had to learn it.


During his stay here, something he found difficult was that he had a lot of work to do every day and he didn’t have too much free time. Another bad thing was that he missed the American food, his family, his friends, and his bed too.
Talking about Euro and Dollars he said that here there are more coins and they are a bit confusing. He told us that the places where he learned most about the Spanish language were the University and the house where he lived here. He thinks that the best thing to do if you want to learn a foreign language is to live one year in the country.

In Pamplona he would have liked to go to the cinema but he didn’t have time to do so. He also would like to take some food and clothing back home but he can’t. Something strange that he found here was that there are a lot of flats and a lot of public buses. He asked us why people in Pamplona run in front of the bulls. We explained to him and then he said that he would never do it.
About Pamplona Ryan said that it is a beautiful city with very nice people and with very good food and wine. He told us that it had been a good experience to live here for two months and this is the most precious treasure he is taking back home and of course he wants to do it again.